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From humble beginnings

Once upon a time, there was a mother who took her 2 little girls to a paint your own shop….

The rest as they say is history.

From a well-established Paint your Own Shop I moved on to a little independent shop near me, where I discovered so much more, the owner possessed a passion both for her craft and for sharing it with her customers. Unlike other places I had taken the children, she very actively engaged with them to teach them how to get good results and learn new techniques. The change in the quality of work they produced was huge, so when she mentioned an adults evening class I jumped at the chance, 10 weeks turned into 10 years.

When the class was not enough I started spending more time in the shop pursuing my own projects and building a firm friendship with the owner. Eventually, I was so much a part of the furniture that she taught me to pour and fire the bisque she offered in the shop. (Hand-poured bisque being another big difference between her and the bigger shops who buy in mass-produced items in limited designs). 

At the start of 2020, she retired, by this time I could not bear the idea of that being the end and I was determined to find a way to carry on her style of Paint Your Own.


During the lockdown whilst other people were wondering how to fill their time I was very busy sorting the huge influx of supplies and working out how to set up a business when lockdown ended. 

This website is the result of those workings, here you can browse the vast range of items.


Find out more about ‘Pop-up’ sessions, parties and courses on offer.

About Clare

Aldershot based potter, working in stoneware

Find out more:


Etsy Shop

Our Uniqueness

The Moulds these items are poured from are now almost all discontinued, where there were once 20 or 30 companies producing them, now there are only one or two, they could not survive the advent of cheap imported bisque which most shops switched to. There are still quite a few around at the moment in the hands of people who started in ceramics when pouring was the only way, but as this generation retires the moulds are disappearing, many ending up in skips, some passed on to folks like me who want to keep this craft alive. I have now squirreled away about 500, and am constantly on the lookout for others to expand my range, problem is they aren’t small and I will eventually run out of space.

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